Donald Trump Addresses Controversy Over AI “Swifties For Trump” Images: “I Didn’t Generate Them”

4 weeks ago 16

A few days ago, Donald Trump shared a couple of obviously-fake, AI-generated images of young women wearing “Swifties for Trump” T-shirts, writing, “I accept!” Taylor Swift doesn’t make a ton of political statements, but she’s long been a vocal Trump detractor. It seems unlikely that Trump — or, for that matter, most other people — honestly thought that Swift and/or a significant percentage of her fanbase were jumping on the Trump train, but the post was enough to get people riled up anyway. Now, Trump has been made to address the situation.

As Mediaite reports, Fox Business News’ Grady Trimble recently caught up with Donald Trump and asked him, “Are you worried that Taylor Swift is going to sue you?” Trump’s response:

I don’t know anything about them, other than somebody else generated them. I didn’t generate them. Somebody came out. They said, Oh, look at this. These were all made up by other people. AI is always very dangerous in that way. It’s happening with me, too. They’re making — having me speak. I speak perfectly, I mean absolutely perfectly on AI, and I’m, like, endorsing other products and things. It’s a little bit dangerous out there.

I don’t know if this argument would hold up legally, but I’m not a lawyer, and Trump has spent more time in courtrooms than I have.

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