Hozier Reacts To Concertgoers Getting Engaged During His Song About Domestic Violence

1 month ago 15

Proposing marriage during a concert is a risky endeavor. Regardless of the embarrassment that could follow in the off-chance that your beloved says “no,” you have to be careful in deciding during which song you’ll pop the question. It might be a song about domestic violence! Which explains why Hozier was concerned when a couple of concertgoers got engaged while he played his song “Cherry Wine” in Madison on Friday.

Hozier paused the song after hearing some screaming from the audience. He looked clearly terrified, before everyone realized it was yet another Hozier concert engagament. “Congratulations, also, on putting the fear of God into me — well done,” he said. “I’m so delighted for you. Is that the hand, newly ringed? Congratulations. Of all the songs as well, too. I love it. Where were we?”

“Cherry Wine” sounds romantic and all, but it has some eyebrow-raising lyrics: “The way she shows me I’m hers and she is mine/ Open hand or closed fist would be fine/ The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.” Its music video stars a then-up-and-coming Saoirse Ronan as a domestic violence survivor, and the single release was part of an anti-domestic abuse campaign. So, yeah, interesting song choice. But congratulations to the happy Hozier-loving couple. See a clip below.

Hozier reacts to the audience marriage proposal during Cherry Wine, yesterday in Madison
"Of all the songs as well too" pic.twitter.com/ELcXiu40L1

— daily hozier pics & vids (@dailyhozierpics) August 18, 2024

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