Lindsay Reade to release new book, A Continual Farewell, My Life in Letters With Tony Wilson

1 month ago 13

Lindsay Reade worked at Factory Records, sang lead vocals on a Durutti Column single, was an early manager of The Stone Roses, and was Tony Wilson’s first wife. In A Continual Farewell, she tells the story of their relationship through Factory memorabilia, family photos and snapshots. Many notes are typed on Factory notepaper or are scrawled on pages from various studios and hotels. The book starts with love at first sight in 1976, their subsequent marriage, Granada Television’s breakthrough show ‘So It Goes’ that was presented by Tony, the formation of Factory Records and the creation of the inimitable Hacienda. The book concludes with letters that describe a renewed love affair and a long and lasting friendship.

"Wanting to preserve Tony’s correspondence, I scanned all his letters. Beginning in 1976, they continue to marriage and the beginnings of Factory and the Hacienda. Sadly, they also describe infidelities, separation, stalled reconciliations and a brutal sacking in 1984. Any recovery looked impossible but eventually we found a renewed love and forgiveness. Love to hate and back again. Both of us were difficult and creative, but we shared much craziness and it was a hugely significant time," she explains.

Lindsay has also announced a series of intimate Q&A evenings where she will share her stories in Hebden Bridge, Pontefract, and Manchester.

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