Undeath – “Disputatious Malignancy”

1 week ago 6

Two years ago, Rochester death metal brutalists Undeath released their breakout album It’s Time… To Rise From The Grave and became a Stereogum Band To Watch. Now, Undeath are coming back with a new LP called More Insane, and they seem determined to live up to the title. We’ve already posted first single “Brandish The Blade,” and now Undeath have another wild one for us.

The new Undeath song “Disputatious Malignancy” fits right in with the death metal tradition of song titles that abuse SAT words. It’s a guttural grind of a track, and it’s got a super-freaky claymation video from director Hayden Hall. In the clip, worms crawl into some poor guy’s ear canal, with gruesome and unpredictable results. Here’s what singer Alexander Jones says about the track:

This was actually one of the last songs written for the album. Kyle (guitars) had an extremely rough demo of it on his phone that I overheard him listening to when we were at Mark’s studio doing pre-production, and just from hearing that, I knew it had to be on the record no matter what. Thematically, it’s got kind of a Pierced From Within-era Suffocation meets Bloodborne lore vibe, and it’s definitely the closest thing we have lyrically to a “fuck god/religion” song, which is kind of new territory for us. It’s fast as shit, bouncy, and has a killer duelling squeal-y solo part that I absolutely love.

Check out the video below.

More Insane is out 10/4 on Prosthetic.

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