Steve Gunn – “Clean Floor”

1 month ago 15

The Australia-based boutique record label Longform Editions bills itself as “a curatorial music platform offering absorptive listening experiences for the everyday.” In keeping with the name and the description, releases on the label tend to be lengthy instrumentals fit for getting lost in. This week they’ve unveiled a new slate of recordings including a tranquil, glowing 21-minute selection from guitar master Steve Gunn.

Of his recording “Clean Floor,” Gunn states:

This piece came about one afternoon when I was in my studio micing a classical guitar while running it through some effects into a separate channel. Nothing too complicated. There was a period where I was exploring this set up without much of a plan, seeing where it could go. An afternoon exercise. Like most of these days, I recorded this piece and put it aside for a while, not really thinking it would be worth sharing. I came back to it while I was driving, and thought it captured something I wasn’t aware of at the time. Perhaps it’s a driving song.The movement while listening helped me hear it differently.

I hope this track can conjure up some kind of peaceful trajectory.

Listen below.

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