Watch Bob Mould Join The Farewell Performance By Seth Meyers’ 8G Band

3 weeks ago 13

For the past decade, the house band for Seth Meyers’ version of Late Night has been the 8G Band, an indie rock combo featuring two members of Les Savy Fav (guitarist Seth Jabour and bassist Syd Butler), keyboardist Eli Janney of Girls Against Boys. SNL/Portlandia guy Fred Armisen, a veteran indie rock drummer, serves as the music director and occasionally sits in behind the kit, though the show has welcomed more than 200 guest drummers when he’s away on other business. Guitar hero Marnie Stern also used to be part of the band too. It’s been a cool, under-appreciated aspect of the late night TV landscape, and unfortunately, it has come to an end.

In June, news came out that NBC was laying off the 8G Band for budgetary reasons. Janney, the associate music director, has said they’ll still contribute music to the show in some capacity, but they won’t be performing live on the show. Last night was the final episode of the show’s 11th season, which meant it was the last episode with the band there in person. Meyers gave them the spotlight on their way out.

Bob Mould, who sat in with the 8G Band for a whole week back in 2014, was back to play with them one more time last night. After Meyers’ first guest — his old Weekend Update cohost Amy Poehler, an indie-rock-adjacent figure herself — the second guest was Armisen discussing all things 8G. Then, to close out the show, Mould led the band through “Makes No Sense At All,” a classic from Hüsker Dü’s Flip Your Wig. I assume the song selection was a little jab at NBC.

Before the show, Mould shared this statement:

In December 2014, I sat in with the 8G Band for an entire week. Every day was an exciting experience — new songs to learn, a wide variety of interesting guests, and those super fresh and highly entertaining Seth monologues. I loved walking across the street to work each day, going to the NBC commissary for lunch, and hanging out with the band and crew. I’m humbled to be a small part of Thursday’s farewell to the 8G Band. It’s the end of an amazing run, it’s bittersweet for certain, and I’m hoping NBC will let us turn up extra loud!

Below, watch Armisen’s interview and the 8G Band’s final performance.

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